A wide range of time-resolved spectroscopic techniques which span the infrared to the X-ray regimes and can be used for probing the nonadiabatic dynamics in the vicinity of conical intersections, transient electronic and vibrational probes and their theoretical signal calculations are surveyed.
Multidimensional spectroscopy uses sequences of optical pulses to study dynamical processes in complex molecules through correlation plots involving several time delay periods. We demonstrate how stimulated Raman detection of an X-ray probe may be used to monitor the phase and dynamics of the nonequilibrium valence electronic state wavepacket created by e.g. photoexcitation, photoionization and Auger processes. Conical intersections (CoIn) dominate the pathways and outcomes of virtually all photophysical and photochemical molecular processes. Despite extensive experimental and theoretical effort CoIns have not been directly observed yet and the experimental evidence is being inferred from fast reaction rates and some vibrational signatures. Novel ultrafast X ray probes for these processes will be presented. Short X-ray pulses can directly detect the passage through a CoIn with the adequate temporal and spectral sensitivity. The technique is based on a coherent Raman process that employs a composite femtosecond/attosecond X-ray pulse to directly detect the electronic coherences (rather than populations) that are generated as the system passes through the CoIn. Streaking of time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy (TRPES) signals offers another powerful window into the joint electronic/vibrational dynamics at conical intersections.
Dr.Shaul Mukamel
2017-12-07 (周四) 16:00