Bo Zhao is a professor of physics of University of Science and Technology of China. He got the Bachelor degree (2001) and Master degree (2005) in University of Science and Technology of China. He got the PhD degree in Heidelberg University, Germany in 2008. Bo Zhao has been working on quantum memory, quantum repeaters, Rydberg atoms, and polar molecules for more than ten years. He proposed a robust quantum repeater scheme with atomic ensembles and linear optics, and demonstrated the first millisecond quantum memory with atomic ensembles, and proposed an efficient method to cool polar molecules with Rydberg atoms. His current research interests are ultracold gases, ultracold molecules and ultracold chemistry. He has published more than 30 papers, including Nature (1), Nature Physics (4), Nature Photonics (2), Physical Review Letters (10), and these papers have been cited for about 1300 times.
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Related Publications
- Heralded generation of an atomic NOON state. Physical Review Letters 104, 043601 (2010).
- Light pulse in Lambda-type cold-atom gases. Physical Review A 81, 043403 (2010).
- Teleportation-based realization of an optical quantum two-qubit entangling gate. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107, 20869 (2010).
- A millisecond quantum memory for scalable quantum networks. Nature Physics 5, 95 (2009).
- Quantum Memory with Optically Trapped Atoms. Physical Review Letters 101, 120501 (2008).
- Experimental demonstration of a BDCZ quantum repeater node. Nature 454, 1098 (2008).
- Memory-built-in quantum teleportation with photonic and atomic qubits. Nature Physics 4, 103 (2008).
- Robust and efficient quantum repeaters with atomic ensembles and linear optics. Physical Review A 77, 062301 (2008).
- Demonstration of a Stable Atom-Photon Entanglement Source for Quantum Repeaters. Physical Review Letters 99, 180505 (2007).
- Fault-tolerant quantum repeater with atomic ensembles and linear optics. Physical Review A 76, 022329 (2007).