- Preparation of a quantum degenerate mixture of Na 23 K 40 molecules and K 40 atoms. Physical Review A 107, 1-6 (2023).
- Quantum frequency conversion and single-photon detection with lithium niobate nanophotonic chips. npj Quantum Information 9, (2023).
- Quantum neuronal sensing of quantum many-body states on a 61-qubit programmable superconducting processor. Science Bulletin 68, 906-912 (2023).
- Scalable Multipartite Entanglement Created by Spin Exchange in an Optical Lattice. Physical Review Letters 131, 73401 (2023).
- Schrodinger-Heisenberg Variational Quantum Algorithms. (2023). doi:131, 060406
- Solving independent set problems with photonic quantum circuits. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 120, 1-8 (2023).
- Tuning Anomalous Floquet Topological Bands with Ultracold Atoms. Physical Review Letters 130, 43201 (2023).
- Twin-Field Quantum Key Distribution without Phase Locking. Physical Review Letters 130, 250802 (2023).
- Unconditional and Robust Quantum Metrological Advantage beyond N00N States. Physical Review Letters 130, 1-5 (2023).