No.99 Xiupu Road, Pudong District, Shanghai, China
Cao Yuan, male, born in August 1983.
Obtained a doctorate in November 2012 at the University of Science and Technology of China and in the same year in the school began postdoctoral research work. In 2016, I became an associate researcher. Mainly engaged in the experimental research on free-space quantum communication and spaceborne high brightness quantum entangled source. Recent major interest in the direction of new technology of quantum optics, quantum entanglement source, and the fundamental issue of quantum mechanics.
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- Satellite-to-ground quantum key distribution. Nature 549, 43–47 (2017).
- Experimental round-robin differential phase-shift quantum key distribution. Physical Review A 93, 030302 (2016).
- Experimental Unconditionally Secure Bit Commitment. Physical Review Letters 112, 010504 (2014).
- Space-bound optical source for satellite-ground decoy-state quantum key distribution. Optics Express 22, 27281-27289 (2014).
- Lower Bound on the Speed of Nonlocal Correlations without Locality and Measurement Choice Loopholes. Physical Review Letters 110, 260407 (2013).
- Entanglement-based quantum key distribution with biased basis choice via free space. Optics Express 21, 27260-27268 (2013).
- Experimental quasi-single-photon transmission from satellite to earth. Optics Express 21, 20032-20040 (2013).
- Quantum teleportation and entanglement distribution over 100-kilometre free-space channels. Nature 488, 185-188 (2012).