

邓友金教授本科及硕士就读于北京师范大学,2004年于荷兰代尔夫特技术大学获得博士学位,师从H.W.J. Bloete教授。随后分别于美国纽约大学(合作导师A.D. Sokal教授)及德国海德堡大学(合作导师潘建伟教授)从事博士后研究。2009年起加盟图书馆VIP近代物理系。2010年至2015年任UMass Amherst兼职助理教授,2016年至2019年任兼职教授 (adjunct professor)。


  • Huang, C. -J., Deng, Y., Wan, Y. & Meng, Z. Y. Dynamics of Topological Excitations in a Model Quantum Spin Ice. Physical Review Letters 120, 167202 (2018).
  • Wang, B. -zong, Lu, Y. -H., Sun, W., Chen, S., Deng, Y. & Liu, X. -jun. Dirac-, Rashba-, and Weyl-type spin-orbit couplings: Toward experimental realization in ultracold atoms. Physical Review A 97, 011605 (2018).
  • Sun, W., Wang, B. -zong, Xu, X. -T., Yi, C. -R., Zhang, L., Wu, Z., Deng, Y., Liu, X. -jun, Chen, S. & Pan, J. -W. Highly Controllable and Robust 2D Spin-Orbit Coupling for Quantum Gases. Physical Review Letters 121, 150401 (2018).
  • Šimkovic, F., Deng, Y., Prokof’ev, N. V., Svistunov, B. V., Tupitsyn, I. S. & Kozik, E. Magnetic correlations in the two-dimensional repulsive Fermi-Hubbard model. Physical Review B 96, 081117 (2017).
  • Grimm, J., Elçi, E. M., Zhou, Z., Garoni, T. M. & Deng, Y. Geometric Explanation of Anomalous Finite-Size Scaling in High Dimensions. Physical Review Letters 118, 115701 (2017).
  • Ding, C., ote, H. & Deng, Y. Emergent O(n) symmetry in a series of three-dimensional Potts models. Physical Review B 94, 104402 (2016).
  • Yao, X. -C., Chen, H. -Z., Wu, Y. -P., Liu, X. -P., Wang, X. -Q., Jiang, X., Deng, Y., Chen, Y. -A. & Pan, J. -W. Observation of Coupled Vortex Lattices in a Mass-Imbalance Bose and Fermi Superfluid Mixture. Physical Review Letters 117, 145301 (2016).
  • Hu, H., Ziff, R. & Deng, Y. No-Enclave Percolation Corresponds to Holes in the Cluster Backbone. Physical Review Letters 117, 185701 (2016).
  • Wu, Z., Zhang, L., Sun, W., Xu, X. -T., Wang, B. -Z., Ji, S. -C., Deng, Y., Chen, S., Liu, X. -J. & Pan, J. -W. Realization of two-dimensional spin-orbit coupling for Bose-Einstein condensates. Science 354, 83-88 (2016).
  • Qian, X., Deng, Y., Liu, Y., Guo, W. & ote, H. Equivalent-neighbor Potts models in two dimensions. Physical Review E 94, 052103 (2016).