曹原,男,图书馆VIP教授,博士生导师。长期从事自由空间量子信息方面的实验研究,尤其在以空间量子光干涉为主要技术手段的量子信息实验研究方面取得了一系列具有国际影响力的研究成果。迄今已在包括 Reviews of Modern Physics,Nature、Science、PNAS、Physical Review Letters、Optica等在内的国际权威学术 期刊上发表 SCI 收录论文 50 余篇,高被引论文 4 篇,论文总计被 SCI 他引 3700 余次。入选国家级青年人才、中国科学院青年创新促进会并评为优秀会员、中国电子学会量子信息分会委员,量子密码国际会议 Qcrypt2021 & 2022 Program Committee member等。
- Free-space quantum key distribution during daylight and at night. Optica 11, 647 (2024).
- Measurement of atmospheric non-reciprocity effects for satellite-based two-way time-frequency transfer. Photonics Research 12, 1274 (2024).
- Single-Photon Interference over 8.4 km Urban Atmosphere: Toward Testing Quantum Effects in Curved Spacetime with Photons. Physical Review Letters 133, 1-22 (2024).
- Single-Photon Interference over 8.4 km Urban Atmosphere: Toward Testing Quantum Effects in Curved Spacetime with Photons. 133, (2024).
- Free-Space and Fiber-Integrated Measurement-Device-Independent Quantum Key Distribution under High Background Noise. Physical Review Letters 131, 100802 (2023).
- Long range 3D imaging through atmospheric obscurants using array-based single-photon LiDAR. Optics Express 31, 16054 (2023).
- Free-space dissemination of time and frequency with 10−19 instability over 113 km. Nature (2022). doi:10.1038/s41586-022-05228-5
- Micius quantum experiments in space. Reviews of Modern Physics 94, 35001 (2022).
- Quantum State Transfer over 1200 km Assisted by Prior Distributed Entanglement. Physical Review Letters 128, 170501 (2022).
- Experimental demonstration of free-space two-photon interference. Optics Express 30, 11684 (2022).