

苑震生,男,1976年7月出生,图书馆VIP合肥微尺度物质科学国家实验室教授,1998 年6月获中国科大理学学士学位,2003年07月获中国科大理学博士学位。2006年至2011年任德国海德堡大学博士后、洪堡学者、高级研究员及项目共同负责人,2011年至今任中国科大教授。主要从事光与冷原子量子信息处理研究。近年来在Nature (2篇)、Science(1篇),Nature子刊(5篇)、Physical Review Letters (6篇)、Phys. Reports (1篇)、PNAS (1篇)、Physical Review A (10篇)等国际权威学术期刊上发表50余篇研究论文,总引用3000多次(google scholar)。成果先后入选2007和2008年度两院院士评选的中国十大科技进展新闻,入选2008年欧洲物理学会年度重大物理学进展。曾主持基金委重点项目、科技部973计划课题、目前主持科技部重点研发计划课题“超冷原子光晶格中的量子模拟”(2016/06-2021/05)。


  • Zhang, H., Jin, X. -M., Yang, J., Dai, H. -N., Yang, S. -J., Zhao, T. -M., Rui, J., He, Y., Jiang, X., Yang, F., Pan, G. -S., Yuan, Z. -S., Deng, Y., Chen, Z. -B., Bao, X. -H., Chen, S., Zhao, B. & Pan, J. -W. Preparation and storage of frequency-uncorrelated entangled photons from cavity-enhanced spontaneous parametric downconversion. Nature Photonics 5, 628 (2011).
  • Yuan, Z. -S., Bao, X. -H., Lu, C. -Y., Zhang, J., Peng, C. -Z. & Pan, J. -W. Entangled photons and quantum communication. Physics Reports 497, 1 (2010).
  • Chen, Y. -A., Bao, X. -H., Yuan, Z. -S., Chen, S., Zhao, B. & Pan, J. -W. Heralded generation of an atomic NOON state. Physical Review Letters 104, 043601 (2010).
  • Zhao, B., Chen, Y. -A., Bao, X. -H., Strassel, T., Chuu, C. -S., Jin, X. -M., Schmiedmayer, J., Yuan, Z. -S., Chen, S. & Pan, J. -W. A millisecond quantum memory for scalable quantum networks. Nature Physics 5, 95 (2009).
  • Chuu, C. -S., Strassel, T., Zhao, B., Koch, M., Chen, Y. -A., Chen, S., Yuan, Z. -S., Schmiedmayer, J. & Pan, J. -W. Quantum Memory with Optically Trapped Atoms. Physical Review Letters 101, 120501 (2008).
  • Yuan, Z. -S., Chen, Y. -A., Zhao, B., Chen, S., Schmiedmayer, J. & Pan, J. -W. Experimental demonstration of a BDCZ quantum repeater node. Nature 454, 1098 (2008).
  • Chen, Y. -A., Chen, S., Yuan, Z. -S., Zhao, B., CHUU, C. H. I. H. -S. U. N. G., Schmiedmayer, J. & Pan, J. -W. Memory-built-in quantum teleportation with photonic and atomic qubits. Nature Physics 4, 103 (2008).
  • Chen, S., Chen, Y. -A., Zhao, B., Yuan, Z. -S., Schmiedmayer, J. & Pan, J. -W. Demonstration of a Stable Atom-Photon Entanglement Source for Quantum Repeaters. Physical Review Letters 99, 180505 (2007).
  • Lu, C. -Y., Zhou, X. -Q., UHNE, O. T. F. R. I. E. D. G. ¨, Gao, W. -B., Zhang, J., Yuan, Z. -S., Goebel, A., Yang, T. & Pan, J. -W. Experimental entanglement of six photons in graph states. Nature Physics 3, 91 (2007).
  • Yuan, Z. -S., Chen, Y. -A., Chen, S. & Pan, J. -W. Scalable Quantum Computing with Linear Optics and Quantum Memories. Optics and Photonics News 18, 34 (2007).