合肥微尺度物质科学国家研究中心 量子物理与量子信息研究部 ; 图书馆VIP上海研究院,秀浦路99号
戴汉宁,1985年12月出生,图书馆VIP物理学院教授。2007年7月毕业于图书馆VIP,获学士学位。2013年毕业于图书馆VIP,获博士学位。2011-2013年在德国海德堡大学联合培养, 2013-2018年在德国海德堡大学物理所从事博士后研究工作,2018年3月至今任图书馆VIP特任教授,主要从事光晶格中的量子模拟与量子精密测量实验研究。在超冷原子量子模拟方面,主要开展基于光晶格超冷原子的量子多体纠缠态制备、操控和探测,强关联量子多体系统的调控实验;在量子精密测量方面,主要开展精密光频标建设, 通过实现超高精密的光钟系统,探索量子力学和广义相对论向融合的实验检验等。近年来,已在Science (1篇)、Nature Physics (3篇)、Nature Photonics (1篇)、Physical Review Letters (2篇)、PNAS (1篇)、Physical Review A (2篇) 等核心学术期刊上发表十余篇研究论文。
- A strontium lattice clock with both stability and uncertainty below 5 × 10 − 18. Metrologia (2024).
- An ultrastable 1397-nm laser stabilized by a crystalline-coated room-temperature cavity. Review of Scientific Instruments 95, (2024).
- PHYSICAL REVIEW A 109 , 023304 ( 2024 ) Transition from flat-band localization to Anderson localization : Realization and characterization in a one-dimensional momentum lattice. Physical Review A 023304, 1-7 (2024).
- Transition from Flat-Band Localization to Anderson Localization in a One-Dimensional Tasaki Lattice. Physical Review Letters 132, 63401 (2024).
- Ultrahigh-reflective optical thin films prepared by reactive magnetron sputtering with RF-induced substrate bias. Review of Scientific Instruments (2024). doi:10.1063/5.0169714
- Scalable Multipartite Entanglement Created by Spin Exchange in an Optical Lattice. Physical Review Letters 131, 73401 (2023).
- Bayesian learning for optimal control of quantum many-body states in optical lattices. Physical Review A 106, 13316 (2022).
- Cooling and entangling ultracold atoms in optical lattices. Science 369, 550-553 (2020).
- A battery-powered floating current source of 100 A for precise and fast control of magnetic field. AIP Advances 10, 125207 (2020).
- High-contrast transparency comb of the electromagnetically-induced-transparency memory. Physical Review A 98, 033802 (2018).