
Jian-Wei Pan

Prof. Jian-Wei Pan, born in Mar, 1970, is a full professor of physics at the University of Science and Technology of China. He obtained his Ph.D. degree in 1999 from the University of Vienna. In 2011, he was elected as the academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). In 2011, he was appointed as the chief scientist of the quantum science experiments satellite. In 2012, he was elected as TWAS Fellow.

Jun Rui


Yong Wan

2014年在德国汉诺威大学及德国物理技术研究院(PTB)获得博士学位,研究方向为囚禁离子精密测量;2014年至2019年在美国国家标准与技术研究院(NIST)离子囚禁研究小组从事离子阱量子计算方向的博士后研究工作。近年来主要学术成果包括:混合离子逻辑门;分子离子的非破坏性态探测;铍离子的高保真通用逻辑门组;囚禁离子处理器中的确定性量子隐形门操作。在Science(1篇)、Nature(2篇)、Nature Communications(1篇)、Physical Review X(1篇)、Physical Review Letters(4篇)、Advanced Quantum Technologies(1篇)等国际学术期刊上发表论文10余篇。2021年5月加入中科大量子部,主要研究方向是单离子和单光子的囚禁与操控、单离子与单光子间的信息转换、以及离子阱量子中继及远距离量子信息传输技术。

Qi-Jin Chen

陈启瑾,图书馆VIP微尺度物质科学国家研究中心教授,博士生导师,2000年获得美国芝加哥大学物理学哲学博士。主要研究领域为强关联电子系统、高温超导理论及冷原子气体物理。先后在Science, Physics Reports, Physical Review Letters Physical Review 等顶级物理期刊上发表文章约80篇,被引用2500余次, H-index26。曾获1997年中国科学院自然科学奖一等奖。

Wei Zheng


2020年01月至今 图书馆VIP,特任研究员

2018年11月-2019年11月 香港大学,博士后

2016年01月-2018年9月 剑桥大学,博士后

Han-Ning Dai


Since 2018.2      University of Science and Technology of China, Professor

2013.7-2018.2    Physikalisches Institut, University Heidelberg, Postdoc Fellow

2011.6-2013.6    University Heidelberg, CAS-DAAD Joint Fellowship

2007.9-2013.6    University of Science and Technology of China, Ph. D.

2003.9-2007.7    University of Science and Technology of China, B. S.


1.    Quantum simulation with ultracold quantum gases / Quantum gas microscope

Feihu Xu

Feihu Xu has been a tenure-track professor at USTC since Oct. 2017. Before joining USTC, he was a Postdoctoral Associate at MIT in 2015-2017. He received an M.A.Sc and Ph.D from University of Toronto in 2011 and 2015. He works on quantum information science (quantum communication and sensing) and single-photon imaging (long-rang and non-line-of-sight imaging), and has co-authored more than 60 journal papers. As the first/corresponding author, he has published more than 30 journal papers in Rev. Mod. Phys.(1), Nat. Photon.(3), Nat. Phys.(1), Nat. Commun.(2), etc.

Yong-Heng Huo

Yongheng received his BS at Tianjin University in July, 2006 and his PhD degree at the Institute of Semiconductors, CAS in January 2011. In February 2011 he started to work as a postdoctoral research associate in the Institute for Integrative Sciences, IFW Dresden with an IFW Scholarship and in January 2013 he became the responsible scientist of the MBE Lab in IFW. In April 2015 he joined JKU Linz as a senior researcher where he set up the III/V MBE lab with Prof. Armando Rastelli. In July 2016 he became a specially appointed professor in USTC.

Yuan Cao

Cao Yuan, male, born in August 1983.
Obtained a doctorate in November 2012 at the University of Science and Technology of China and in the same year in the school began postdoctoral research work. In 2016, I became an associate researcher. Mainly engaged in the experimental research on free-space quantum communication and spaceborne high brightness quantum entangled source. Recent major interest in the direction of new technology of quantum optics, quantum entanglement source, and the fundamental issue of quantum mechanics.