
Juan Yin

Juan Yin, Female, professor for experimental physics, USTC. She is also the chief designer of the payload on Micius quantum science satellite. Date of birth: December, 1982. She received PH.D on July 2011. She has been engaged in the experimental study of long-distance entanglement-based quantum physics for a long time and published 42 papers in international journals, including five articles in Nature, two articles in Science, two articles in Nature Photonics, one article each in Nature Physics and PNAS, and nine articles in Physical Review Letters.

Qi Shen

Dr.Qi Shen, male, born in 1986 in Fengyang county, Anhui province. In 2008, he got Bachelor’s degree from Department of Modern Physics, University of Science and Technology of China(USTC). In 2013, he got Doctor’s degree from USTC. He had been a postdoctoral research fellow in USTC and University of Heidelberg, Germany. Since June, 2016, he has been an associate professor of USTC. His main research areas include free space quantum communication, laser and optoelectronic technology in quantum physical experiments.

Barry C. Sanders

Our research is focused on using the rich theory of Quantum Mechanics to advance the knowledge of physical phenomena, protocols and their implementation. Current areas of research include machine learning to control nonlinear quantum systems, classical and quantum algorithms for simulation, wavelet theory, collective Rydberg blockade and its application to many body Physics, scalable quantum networks, quantum walks, topological orders, quantum annealing, measures of coherence, quantum channels and their decomposition, quantum cryptography and classical discord.

Xing-Can Yao

Dr. Xing-Can Yao was born in Chong Qing, November 1983. He obtained the bachelor's and doctor's degree in 2006 and 2012, respectively, both in University of Science and Technology of China. He is now a professor of USTC . He is devoted to the experimental study of the fundamental quantum physics and quantum information processing with ultracold atoms and photons.

Xiao-Hui Bao

Dr. Bao was born in Inner Mongolia in 1982. He got his Bachelor degree from Department of Modern Physics (University of Science and Technology of China) in 2004. He obtained his PhD degree from Department of Physics and Astronomy (University of Heidelberg) in 2010. In 2013 he was appointed as a professor in University of Science and Technology of China. Dr. Bao performs research in the area of quantum information and quantum optics.

Qiang Zhang


现任国际量子密码年会大会主席、国际电联(ITU)“面向网络的量子信息技术焦点组”主席、全国量子计算与测量标准化技术委员会秘书长、英国物理学会New Journal of Physics高级顾问组成员(Senior Advisory Panel)和Quantum Science & Technology杂志编委。

研究领域为量子密码和量子通信实验研究,核心器件研制和时间频率传输。已在包括现代物理评论(1篇),自然(4篇),自然子刊 (11篇)、物理评论快报(28篇)等国际学术期刊上发表SCIE论文90余篇,被他引6000余次。作为主要研究者成果1次入选美国物理学会重要进展,3次入选全国十大科技进展。

YouJin Deng

Professor Youjin Deng received his master degree from Beijing Normal University, and his PhD from Delft University of Technology in 2004 under the supervision of Prof. Henk W.J. Bloete. Since then, he worked at New York University with Prof. A.D. Sokal and Heidelberg University with Prof. Jian-Wei Pan. Since 2009, he has been a full professor at University of Science and Technology of China. He was an adjunct professor of UMass Amherst from 2010 to 2015, and promoted to be an adjunct professor in 2016.

Chao-Yang Lu

Professor Chao-Yang Lu was born in 1982 in Zhejiang, China. He obtained Bachelor's degree from the University of Science and Technology of China in 2004, and PhD in Physics from the Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge in 2011.

He is currently a Professor of Physics at the University of Science and Technology of China, where he focuses on research on quantum foundations, quantum computation, solid-state quantum photonics, multi-particle entanglement, quantum teleportation, atomic arrays, superconducting qubits etc.