量子理论 - Barry Sanders


我们主要利用量子力学来解释物理现象以及构建相应的理论模型。目前的研究领域包括:利用机器学习控制非线性系统、经典和量子模拟算法、小波理论、collective Rydberg blockade及其在多体物理中的应用、可扩展量子网络、量子游走、拓扑序、量子退火、相干测量、量子信道及其分解、量子密码学以及经典失协等。



  • Adcock, M., H\oyer, P. & Sanders, B. Quantum computation with coherent spin states and the close Hadamard problem. Quantum Information Processing 15, 1361-1386 (2016).
  • Ghosh, J. & Sanders, B. Quantum simulation of macro and micro quantum phase transition from paramagnetism to frustrated magnetism with a superconducting circuit. New Journal of Physics 18, 033015 (2016).
  • Zhan, X., Zhang, X., Li, J., Zhang, Y., Sanders, B. & Xue, P. Realization of the Contextuality-Nonlocality Tradeoff with a Qubit-Qutrit Photon Pair. Physical Review Letters 116, 090401 (2016).
  • Hayden, P., Nezami, S., Salton, G. & Sanders, B. Spacetime replication of continuous variable quantum information. New Journal of Physics 18, (2016).
  • Bae, E., Gour, G., Lee, S., Park, J. & Sanders, B. Stability theorem of depolarizing channels for the minimal output quantum R\ enyi entropies. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 49, 115304 (2016).
  • Dhand, I., Sanders, B. & de Guise, H. Algorithms for SU( n ) boson realizations and D-functions. Journal of Mathematical Physics 56, 111705 (2015).
  • Sanders, Y., Wallman, J. & Sanders, B. Bounding quantum gate error rate based on reported average fidelity. New Journal of Physics 18, 012002 (2015).
  • Xue, P., Zhang, R., Qin, H., Zhan, X., Bian, Z., Li, J. & Sanders, B. Experimental Quantum-Walk Revival with a Time-Dependent Coin. Physical Review Letters 114, 140502 (2015).
  • Tillmann, M., Tan, S., Stoeckl, S., Sanders, B., de Guise, H., Heilmann, R. \, Nolte, S., Szameit, A. & Walther, P. Generalized multiphoton quantum interference. Physical Review X 5, 1-23 (2015).
  • Zahedinejad, E., Ghosh, J. & Sanders, B. High-Fidelity Single-Shot Toffoli Gate via Quantum Control. Physical Review Letters 114, 200502 (2015).