量子理论 - Barry Sanders


我们主要利用量子力学来解释物理现象以及构建相应的理论模型。目前的研究领域包括:利用机器学习控制非线性系统、经典和量子模拟算法、小波理论、collective Rydberg blockade及其在多体物理中的应用、可扩展量子网络、量子游走、拓扑序、量子退火、相干测量、量子信道及其分解、量子密码学以及经典失协等。



  • Lovett, N., Crosnier, C. \, Perarnau-Llobet, M. \ & Sanders, B. Differential evolution for many-particle adaptive quantum metrology. Physical Review Letters 110, 1-5 (2013).
  • Hardal, A., Xue, P., Shikano, Y., ustecaplıoğlu, O. & Sanders, B. Discrete-time quantum walk with nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond coupled to a superconducting flux qubit. Physical Review A 88, 022303 (2013).
  • Hardal, A., Xue, P., Shikano, Y., ustecaplioǧlu, O. & Sanders, B. Discrete-time quantum walk with nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond coupled to a superconducting flux qubit. Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 88, 1-11 (2013).
  • Choi, R., Fortescue, B., Gour, G. & Sanders, B. Entanglement sharing protocol via quantum error-correcting codes. Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 87, 1-7 (2013).
  • Souza, A., Sanders, B. & Feder, D. Fermionized photons in the ground state of one-dimensional coupled cavities. Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 88, 1-15 (2013).
  • Adcock, M., Høyer, P. & Sanders, B. Gaussian quantum computation with oracle-decision problems. Quantum Information Processing 12, 1759-1779 (2013).
  • Lalumi`ere, K., Sanders, B., van Loo, A. F., Fedorov, A., Wallraff, A. & Blais, A. Input-output theory for waveguide QED with an ensemble of inhomogeneous atoms. Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 88, 1-15 (2013).
  • Van Loo, A., Fedorov, A., Lalumier̀e, K., Sanders, B., Blais, A. & Wallraff, A. Photon-mediated interactions between distant artificial atoms. Science 342, 1494-1496 (2013).
  • Khalique, A., Tittel, W. & Sanders, B. Practical long-distance quantum communication using concatenated entanglement swapping. Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 88, 1-8 (2013).
  • Skotiniotis, M., Toloui, B., Durham, I. & Sanders, B. Quantum frameness for CPT symmetry. Physical Review Letters 111, 1-5 (2013).